Are you affected by the increase in the Age Pension’s qualifying age? Take steps now to avoid getting caught short on retirement income. The minimum age to qualify for the Age Pension has started going up. For those born on or after 1 July 1952, the qualifying age...
Latest News / Blog Post
How do I invest my money?
So, how do you invest your money? When deciding how to go about investing those hard earned dollars, you need to decide whether you'll: do it yourself, or pay a financial advisor to do it for you Both options have their pros and cons. However, you can - of course, do...
Consider your retirement lifestyle needs?
Is it time to consider your retirement lifestyle needs? Considering the cost of living and your expected annual retirement income, is crucial to retirement planning. So, how do you consider your retirement needs? For the record number of Australians transitioning...
How to protect yourself against scams
Do you know how to protect yourself against scams? The onset of COVID has propelled social media and marketing to an all-time necessity and has resulted in increased predatory scams and virtual hacking, putting people at risk more than ever before. Here are some...
Early Withdrawal of Super
"Early withdrawal of super" may leave youth $100k worse-off in retirement Federal Opposition steps up attacks on coronavirus support measures. This allows people in hardship to withdrawal some super early. Labour said the Covid-19 economic crisis will greatly affect...
How does the Federal Budget affect you?
The Federal Budget explains to all Australians how the Government intends to manage the country’s finances. It outlines their tax and spending plans. Not only during the next financial year but into the future as well. Just like a household budget, the Federal Budget...
Should I care about lost super?
Lost Super stats Did you know there is about 14.8 million Australians with a superannuation account? Around 40% hold more than one superannuation account? Some of that 40% makes up the $18 billion in ‘lost super’. Is some of that yours? Should you care about lost...
A few things have changed in super
Many of the federal government’s superannuation reforms came into effect on 1 July. Here’s what’s new. The government says it has tried to make the superannuation system more sustainable and has introduced more flexibility to suit modern work patterns. This is what...
Government to limit lost super losses
The Federal Government is introducing legislation to prevent fee erosion of lost super accounts with balances under $6,000 stating that they are committed to "ensuring that Australians have adequate retirement savings." Assistant Treasurer, Mr Josh Frydenberg has said...
Getting your head around Superannuation…
A lot of our daily client queries are based around superannuation. It’s a tricky area for many clients to wrap their heads around with lots of rules, regulations, risks and opportunities. Here's some facts below, followed by a key hint on how you can best navigate...
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