Warning, warning, warning, open your calendar now and lock in your insurance reviews!!! Things have changed in your life. Change is the one big constant in this world. Some change is radical and obvious like loosing a job, or getting a promotion or getting married...
Latest News / Blog Post
Medical Exams are nothing to be Afraid of!
For many, getting life insurance itself can be a scary thing, but it’s not about paying premiums. As cover can at times, be funded by super, this sometimes isn't even an issue! The idea of preparing for not being here any more, isn't very fun however. Most...
Stay Afloat! Don't Sink!
The story of Noah is an old one, recently retold (and completely reinterpreted) by Russell Crowe... although I must say not retold very well! Many ancient cultures mention a Great Flood in their writings or legends. Why is it that this story has been so...
Major Life Events mean Insurance Review time!
In our busy day-to-day activities, we sometimes overlook a very important aspect of our planning: that of protecting ourselves, and our loved ones financially if things don't go according to the Grand Plan. Sure we provide financially for them now, but what about the...
It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
Most of us have been touched by having someone we love be diagnosed with, battle or suffer with cancer. Most recently, a lifelong girlfriend of mine passed away after a 7 year fight with breast cancer, at the age of 44. Thankfully, I'd set her up with a Trauma Policy...
What is he thinking?
A recent chat with a friend soon turned into a request for a review of his financial situation, as I had a bit of time over the weekend we ended up having this very important discussion. The lack of proper financial advice soon became very evident when looking at his...
Why a Hubby should consider Life Insurance
Aussies we know are a pretty easy going bunch and this is probably one of the main reasons we're also a terribly under-insured nation. The 'she'll be right mate' attitude is pretty pervasive, with most of us thinking 'it'll never happen to me.' And then, wondering...
Is a Self-Managed Super Fund right for you?
So most of us have heard about Self Managed Super funds, but where do they fit in the somewhat complex world of superannuation funds?
Family Happiness and Income Protection
It’s possibly unfortunate, but most things we do in our lives we rely on money. And money is definitely required to maintain our family’s standard of living.
The Australian Psyche vs Risk Protection
A few statistics from the financial industry are quite sobering and have highlighted under-insurance as one of the biggest security threats facing Australians
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