Each year in Australia, close to 3,300 men die of prostate cancer, which exceeds the number of women who die from breast cancer annually. Around 20,000 new cases are diagnosed inAustraliaevery year

Each year in Australia, close to 3,300 men die of prostate cancer, which exceeds the number of women who die from breast cancer annually. Around 20,000 new cases are diagnosed inAustraliaevery year
Many Australian families struggle both emotionally and financially, when someone in their family is diagnosed with a life threatening or debilitating health condition. By considering crisis cover, you can assist in easing the financial burden should you be unfortunate enough to suffer a traumatic event.
If you think it won’t happen to you… I hope you’re right! But are you willing to bet the family house on it?
Once you have it, you often don’t give your insurance another thought until you need to make a claim. But as your lifestyle changes, its easy to out grow your insurance. If you’ve made some big changes recently – like having a child, or buying a house – you may need to reassess your insurance. As your circumstances change, so does your insurance needs.
In Australia, almost 3,300 men die of prostate cancer and around 20,000 new cases are diagnosed every year. In fact, each day about 32 men find out that they have prostate cancer and every three hours a man will lose his battle with the disease. If you or one of your...
P.O Box 3592, Burleigh Town, QLD, 4220
Phone: 07 5593 0855
Email: info@wealthplanningpartners.com.au
9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday
9am - 12pm Friday
(Other appointment times by request)
WPP Licensee Services Pty Ltd
P.O Box 3592, Burleigh Town, QLD, 4220
Robina, QLD, 4226
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