What is ‘Tenancy In Common' 1. "Tenancy in common" allows two or more people to be owners in a property. Each owner has the authority to will their share to anyone on death. 2. "Tenancy in common" is different as the transfer of the property in the event of death...
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How do I save for a house after being hit by COVID?
How do you save for a house after being hit by the fallout from COVID? Have you been struggling financially with the COVID-19 pandemic? Has the global pandemic affected your income? How's you financial stress level, not only in your household, but your overall mental...
How to take control of your retirement
Are you affected by the increase in the Age Pension’s qualifying age? Take steps now to avoid getting caught short on retirement income. The minimum age to qualify for the Age Pension has started going up. For those born on or after 1 July 1952, the qualifying age...
Melbourne suffers under Lockdowns
Melbourne suffers under Stage 4 Lockdowns Melbourne continues to suffer under lockdowns. Stage 4 lockdowns announced by Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, along with shutdowns of particular industries, are said to have delivered a hammer blow to the Australian...
Why has the Sharemarket rallied?
We're in the midst of a global recession... The COVID-19 pandemic led to a global recession unfolding within the space of two months, with share markets collapsing and then staging a strong recovery. Markets have performed strongly even as we remain in the midst of...
What the US Interest Rate Rise Means for you
Well, after much speculation and talk, it's finally happened, the US have raised interest rates. Here's a few fast facts for you: The US Federal Reserve (Fed) lifted the funds rate at its December meeting by 25 basis points to a target range of 0.25-0.50 per cent. ...
Choppy Markets affecting you?
As you've probably noticed, markets have been a little choppy of late! You may be wondering what it's all about. Hopefully, this will give you a basic insight into what's been going on! The primary influences for the recent market falls are: The Chinese currency...
Market Correction Time Again?
Big thanks to Ord Minnett for the following short but sweet look at the current correction going on in Markets: Stock markets have continued to trade down while bond prices have lifted following heightened fears of a growth slowdown in China. The correction...
China Moves to Halt Sharemarket Rout
Well, with all eyes on the dramas in Greece, for some it's overshadowed the more worrying concerns coming out of China. And if you feel Greece is Europe's problem, you're probably not alone - but China is a lot closer to home and the slump has triggered fear of a...
What does the Greek Crisis mean for Investors?
What has happened? It’s déjà vu for investors as the birthplace of Western civilization, Greece, once again teeters on the edge of economic collapse. It marks the latest in an ongoing series of crises for the country after major debt restructuring packages were struck...
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