From a young age we are taught… GOOD GRADE = GOOD UNIVERSITY = GOOD JOB = GOOD MONEY Teenagers are believing that this is the only route to lead a success. It’s a cycle, churning throughout time – being handed down from generation to generation, merely reciting what...
Latest News / Blog Post
How to take control of your retirement
Are you affected by the increase in the Age Pension’s qualifying age? Take steps now to avoid getting caught short on retirement income. The minimum age to qualify for the Age Pension has started going up. For those born on or after 1 July 1952, the qualifying age...
How do I invest my money?
So, how do you invest your money? When deciding how to go about investing those hard earned dollars, you need to decide whether you'll: do it yourself, or pay a financial advisor to do it for you Both options have their pros and cons. However, you can - of course, do...
Getting ahead in your 40’s
Getting ahead in your 40's? Here’s 5 tips you need to consider to getting ahead in your 40's.. Being in your 40s requires balancing many responsibilities and it can become easy to neglect your own financial wellbeing. However, it’s not too late to secure your future. ...
Why has the Sharemarket rallied?
We're in the midst of a global recession... The COVID-19 pandemic led to a global recession unfolding within the space of two months, with share markets collapsing and then staging a strong recovery. Markets have performed strongly even as we remain in the midst of...
Facing the end of the growth cycle
2018 has been a mixed year for investors, with some gains, and some losses. But are we at the end of the growth cycle... for now? Market Cycles and the end of the Growth Cycle We’ve seen a complex economic environment with geopolitical and trade uncertainty, a change...
Diversification of assets is a good defence against a fall
Increased Diversification can assist in lowering risk in times of market volatility. A properly constructed portfolio can protect investors in downturns in the market and help provide appropriate returns at other times. Portfolios which include diversifying assets may...
Strategies for soaring school fees
With private school fees rising each year, it pays to start saving early. Most parents believe a good education is an investment in their child’s future. But with the total cost of a private-school education approaching up to $500,000, finding a way to fund that...
Putting your Goals First
A goals-based investment approach isn’t focused on ‘beating the market’. It’s about tailoring your investments to meet your personal goals. Performance comparisons are unavoidable in the investment world. Every day you see investment managers measuring their success...
3 Reasons to Bond with Bonds
Bonds are one of the four major assets classes, but they’re probably the least understood. Here’s why they’re an important part of many portfolios. What are bonds? Bonds are essentially loan arrangements that governments and large companies use to raise money. These...
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