The ongoing COVID situation means changes to how we do business. If you are not able to visit us in person, or it is more convenient to work with us digitally, we have the capability and technology to make it easier for us to connect with you. Is it time to discuss...
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How to manage financial stress
Learn how to manage your Financial Stress As a Financial Advisor, we often have clients come to see us without their spouses, for investment or financial planning session. But then, there's also many that never visit without their other half. So, having problems...
Getting ahead in your 40’s
Getting ahead in your 40's? Here’s 5 tips you need to consider to getting ahead in your 40's.. Being in your 40s requires balancing many responsibilities and it can become easy to neglect your own financial wellbeing. However, it’s not too late to secure your future. ...
Early Withdrawal of Super
"Early withdrawal of super" may leave youth $100k worse-off in retirement Federal Opposition steps up attacks on coronavirus support measures. This allows people in hardship to withdrawal some super early. Labour said the Covid-19 economic crisis will greatly affect...
Melbourne suffers under Lockdowns
Melbourne suffers under Stage 4 Lockdowns Melbourne continues to suffer under lockdowns. Stage 4 lockdowns announced by Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, along with shutdowns of particular industries, are said to have delivered a hammer blow to the Australian...
Why has the Sharemarket rallied?
We're in the midst of a global recession... The COVID-19 pandemic led to a global recession unfolding within the space of two months, with share markets collapsing and then staging a strong recovery. Markets have performed strongly even as we remain in the midst of...
Create a great financial new year
New Year’s resolutions are easy to make but often hard to keep. But there are real benefits to making financial resolutions. Here are some helpful suggestions to get you started. Get back to basics If you find it near-impossible to reach your financial goals, you may...
Planning a holiday? Here are some tips!!
With the summer holidays right on top of us, it’s not too late to do your financial planning for the holidays – or start planning for later in the year. Here’s how to minimise your financial stress for a well-deserved break. Plan ahead The earlier you start planning,...
A few things have changed in super
Many of the federal government’s superannuation reforms came into effect on 1 July. Here’s what’s new. The government says it has tried to make the superannuation system more sustainable and has introduced more flexibility to suit modern work patterns. This is what...
AFA Female Excellence in Advice Awards
Wealth Planning Partners are pleased to announce that their Director Amanda Cassar has been named a finalist in the Female Excellence in Advice Awards for 2016. CEO of the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) Brad Fox, said the ability of this Award to attract so...
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WPP Licensee Services Pty Ltd
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Robina, QLD, 4226
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