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Why has the Sharemarket rallied?

Why has the Sharemarket rallied?

We're in the midst of a global recession... The COVID-19 pandemic led to a global recession unfolding within the space of two months, with share markets collapsing and then staging a strong recovery. Markets have performed strongly even as we remain in the midst of...

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What do Deeming rate cuts mean?

What do Deeming rate cuts mean?

Interest rates have been falling faster and longer than deeming rates for Centrelink and Veterans’ Affairs recipients.  This makes it practically impossible to earn current deeming rates from bank accounts. So, what to deeming rate cuts mean for pensioners? High risk...

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More than one super account?

More than one super account?

Did you know there are over 12[1] million Australians with a single superannuation account? There is also $13.8[2] billion in ‘lost super’. Is some of that yours? Find it Moved house over the years? Changed jobs during your career? Don’t know where your teenage self...

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Starting a business?

Starting a new business can be exciting but there’s a lot to think about and organise too. Before you even begin, consider how prepared you are to make the difficult decisions, work those long hours required, face possible and ongoing financial constraints, lose a...

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