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Early Withdrawal of Super

Early Withdrawal of Super

 "Early withdrawal of super" may leave youth $100k worse-off in retirement Federal Opposition steps up attacks on coronavirus support measures.  This allows people in hardship to withdrawal some super early. Labour said the Covid-19 economic crisis will greatly affect...

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Melbourne suffers under Lockdowns

Melbourne suffers under Lockdowns

Melbourne suffers under Stage 4 Lockdowns Melbourne continues to suffer under lockdowns.  Stage 4 lockdowns announced by Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, along with shutdowns of particular industries, are said to have delivered a hammer blow to the Australian...

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Why has the Sharemarket rallied?

Why has the Sharemarket rallied?

We're in the midst of a global recession... The COVID-19 pandemic led to a global recession unfolding within the space of two months, with share markets collapsing and then staging a strong recovery. Markets have performed strongly even as we remain in the midst of...

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Economic abuse training for advisers launches

Economic abuse training for advisers launches

Occurring in 99 per cent of domestic violence cases, economic abuse can affect clients of all backgrounds

Standards International has partnered with Australian adviser Amanda Cassar to launch a new training programme aimed at tackling economic abuse.

Economic abuse is when one person has control over another’s access to economic resources. It was recognised as a form of domestic abuse in the domestic abuse bill last year after calls from charities to make it a standalone criminal offence.

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Facing the end of the growth cycle

Facing the end of the growth cycle

2018 has been a mixed year for investors, with some gains, and some losses.  But are we at the end of the growth cycle... for now? Market Cycles and the end of the Growth Cycle We’ve seen a complex economic environment with geopolitical and trade uncertainty, a change...

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