"Early withdrawal of super" may leave youth $100k worse-off in retirement Federal Opposition steps up attacks on coronavirus support measures. This allows people in hardship to withdrawal some super early. Labour said the Covid-19 economic crisis will greatly affect...
Latest News / Blog Post
Melbourne suffers under Lockdowns
Melbourne suffers under Stage 4 Lockdowns Melbourne continues to suffer under lockdowns. Stage 4 lockdowns announced by Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, along with shutdowns of particular industries, are said to have delivered a hammer blow to the Australian...
The real costs of owning property
Australians have long been attracted to property as an investment. But we also tend to have a blind spot when it comes to the costs of owning it. Property holds a special place in the hearts and minds of Australians. But do we let our love for property cloud its...
Choppy Markets affecting you?
As you've probably noticed, markets have been a little choppy of late! You may be wondering what it's all about. Hopefully, this will give you a basic insight into what's been going on! The primary influences for the recent market falls are: The Chinese currency...
China Moves to Halt Sharemarket Rout
Well, with all eyes on the dramas in Greece, for some it's overshadowed the more worrying concerns coming out of China. And if you feel Greece is Europe's problem, you're probably not alone - but China is a lot closer to home and the slump has triggered fear of a...
What does the Greek Crisis mean for Investors?
What has happened? It’s déjà vu for investors as the birthplace of Western civilization, Greece, once again teeters on the edge of economic collapse. It marks the latest in an ongoing series of crises for the country after major debt restructuring packages were struck...
Amanda Cassar & the #FSPower50
In 2013, Financial Standard launched the inaugural Power50 list, a guide to the top 50 financial services professionals who use social media to lead the conversation on wealth management, superannuation and financial advice. The list is made up of...
Getting your head around Superannuation…
A lot of our daily client queries are based around superannuation. It’s a tricky area for many clients to wrap their heads around with lots of rules, regulations, risks and opportunities. Here's some facts below, followed by a key hint on how you can best navigate...
Why a Hubby should consider Life Insurance
Aussies we know are a pretty easy going bunch and this is probably one of the main reasons we're also a terribly under-insured nation. The 'she'll be right mate' attitude is pretty pervasive, with most of us thinking 'it'll never happen to me.' And then, wondering...
Do Super Fees Matter to You?
Superannuation will play an increasingly important role in all our futures. What we do today is going to affect our retirement savings tomorrow.
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