The ongoing COVID situation means changes to how we do business. If you are not able to visit us in person, or it is more convenient to work with us digitally, we have the capability and technology to make it easier for us to connect with you. Is it time to discuss...
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Five financial tips for large families
Taking care of household finances can be taxing, especially if you have a big family. But with proper planning and budgeting, there’s no need to stress. Here's five financial tips for large families. Learn to more effectively manage your household finances. Here's...
Getting ahead in your 40’s
Getting ahead in your 40's? Here’s 5 tips you need to consider to getting ahead in your 40's.. Being in your 40s requires balancing many responsibilities and it can become easy to neglect your own financial wellbeing. However, it’s not too late to secure your future. ...
Early Withdrawal of Super
"Early withdrawal of super" may leave youth $100k worse-off in retirement Federal Opposition steps up attacks on coronavirus support measures. This allows people in hardship to withdrawal some super early. Labour said the Covid-19 economic crisis will greatly affect...
Melbourne suffers under Lockdowns
Melbourne suffers under Stage 4 Lockdowns Melbourne continues to suffer under lockdowns. Stage 4 lockdowns announced by Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, along with shutdowns of particular industries, are said to have delivered a hammer blow to the Australian...
Economic abuse training for advisers launches
Occurring in 99 per cent of domestic violence cases, economic abuse can affect clients of all backgrounds
Standards International has partnered with Australian adviser Amanda Cassar to launch a new training programme aimed at tackling economic abuse.
Economic abuse is when one person has control over another’s access to economic resources. It was recognised as a form of domestic abuse in the domestic abuse bill last year after calls from charities to make it a standalone criminal offence.
Money hacks for teens and young adults
Help your teens and young adults manage how they spend and save. So your teenagers and young adults know how to spend, but do they know how to budget for the things they really want? Learning good money management should be an essential life skill. A reason to save...
A few things have changed in super
Many of the federal government’s superannuation reforms came into effect on 1 July. Here’s what’s new. The government says it has tried to make the superannuation system more sustainable and has introduced more flexibility to suit modern work patterns. This is what...
Need to Understand a little more about the Downsizing Contribution?
As you're not doubt aware, the Federal Government announced it's 2017 Budget this week and one of the surprise outcomes was the Downsizing Contribution for those looking to move out of a larger family home. Here's a little more about how that works... Downsizing...
Protect your Assets from Expensive Mistakes
Protecting yourself from frivolous creditors and lawsuits is becoming an increasingly common concern. Here we outline some of the ways you can insulate your assets. Check your insurances Liability insurance is a must if you want to safeguard your assets in the event...
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