What is ‘Tenancy In Common' 1. "Tenancy in common" allows two or more people to be owners in a property. Each owner has the authority to will their share to anyone on death. 2. "Tenancy in common" is different as the transfer of the property in the event of death...
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Are you a slave to money?
From a young age we are taught… GOOD GRADE = GOOD UNIVERSITY = GOOD JOB = GOOD MONEY Teenagers are believing that this is the only route to lead a success. It’s a cycle, churning throughout time – being handed down from generation to generation, merely reciting what...
The skills advisors need to handle suspected financial abuse
Gold Coast based financial adviser Amanda Cassar says " advisers need skills to handle financial abuse." Could you confidently recognise a warning sign of financial abuse? Unfortunately, financial abuse is becoming increasingly more visible on a global scale. It...
How do I save for a house after being hit by COVID?
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Get Ready for Storm Season, Queensland!
Get ready for storm season! The Queensland Government want everyone to Get Ready for disaster season. Use the 3 Step "Get Ready" Plan. Prepare your household this storm season by completing these 3 simple steps: Have a plan Firstly, ensure your family is equipped...
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How to take control of your retirement
Are you affected by the increase in the Age Pension’s qualifying age? Take steps now to avoid getting caught short on retirement income. The minimum age to qualify for the Age Pension has started going up. For those born on or after 1 July 1952, the qualifying age...
How do I invest my money?
So, how do you invest your money? When deciding how to go about investing those hard earned dollars, you need to decide whether you'll: do it yourself, or pay a financial advisor to do it for you Both options have their pros and cons. However, you can - of course, do...
Consider your retirement lifestyle needs?
Is it time to consider your retirement lifestyle needs? Considering the cost of living and your expected annual retirement income, is crucial to retirement planning. So, how do you consider your retirement needs? For the record number of Australians transitioning...
How to protect yourself against scams
Do you know how to protect yourself against scams? The onset of COVID has propelled social media and marketing to an all-time necessity and has resulted in increased predatory scams and virtual hacking, putting people at risk more than ever before. Here are some...
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