Most of us have heard of the expression ‘healthy, wealthy and wise.’ It shows to me the inextricable link between our health, fitness and mood, and our money mindset and abilities.
And, it’s finally time to welcome in the first day of spring! Woohoo! We’ve made it through another Winter!
Although, being Gold Coast based, that’s hardly a struggle!
Spring has always been associated with joy, passion and reawakening, and we love nothing more than a bright sunshiny day.
Research proves that warmer days and longer exposure to daylight have a great impact on our mood. We even find ourselves smiling more than we have. Bonus!
Being happy is a pretty hard emotion to fake! It’s something we all strive to find and maintain. As the saying goes… ‘whatever makes you happy!’
So, aside from getting your finances in tune, What are some simple things we can do to achieve the healthy as well as the wealthy?
Try the following top tips!
1.SMILE – even fake smiles can lift your mood!
2.Exercise – or just Move
3.Get a good night’s sleep – 8 hours minimum
4.Spend more quality time with your family and friends
5.Money does not buy happiness – spend on experiences, not stuff
6.Get outside – nature does work wonders
7.Keep a gratitude journal – find something everyday that lit your fire
8.Choose to be happy – it can be choice! How do you choose to feel today?

Latest News / Blog Post
Posted on September 1, 2015
Spring has Sprung!
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