Get ready for storm season!
The Queensland Government want everyone to Get Ready for disaster season. Use the 3 Step “Get Ready” Plan.
Prepare your household this storm season by completing these 3 simple steps:
- Have a plan Firstly, ensure your family is equipped with an emergency and evacuation plan. Make sure everyone knows what to do in a disaster. Team-up with your neighbours for added assistance if required. The Queensland government have put together a Household Emergency and Evacuation Plan form.
- Pack Supplies Secondly, have an emergency kit ready to go. A stocked “Go Bag” will ensure you are ready for storm season. This provides easy access to essential items that will equip your household for at least 3 days of isolation. Your kit should be in a sturdy waterproof
storage container. Make sure it is stored in a safe, easily accessible place within your home. And, ensure it is childproof if necessary. Be sure to let everyone know the kit’s location and document it in your emergency plan.
Please click here for a list of what to include. - Make sure you’re covered Finally, the importance of having home and contents insurance cover is paramount. Many have found out too late that they did not have adequate insurance cover. Queensland has been impacted by over 70 significant natural disasters since 2011!
And, Step 3 is to make sure your insurance is enough to cover the costs of rebuilding your home and or replacing your possessions. For instance, both home owners and renters should check policies to ensure they are fully aware of what is covered.What to ask your Insurer…
So, in conclusion, some questions to ask your insurance provider are:
- What disasters does the policy cover?
- How do they define each disaster?
- How much will the policy cover?
- Does the policy provide enough insurance to cover the cost of rebuilding your house and any extra costs you might incur?
- Is your insurance adequate to cover the replacement of your possessions?
- Are your possessions covered for damage caused by potential local hazards, such as storm, cyclone, flood and bushfire?
- In what circumstances will the insurer reject the claim?
- Are you covered for the cost of temporary accommodation if your home is uninhabitable?
- Does pre-existing damage caused by a previous natural disaster or lack of home maintenance impact eligibility of insurance claim payouts?
For how to Get Ready for Storm Season, visit the Qld Government website.
As a result, you’ll be ready to go in the event of any disasters. Or get in touch with the Team at Wealth Planning Partners, your Gold Coast Advisers to find out more. And ask, what do you need to do to Get Ready for Storm Season? Don’t leave it too late.