Are you approaching retirement? Chances are the funding of your lifestyle in retirement may be on your mind! Take steps now to avoid getting caught short on retirement income and live the retirement lifestyle you want. It's time to take control of your retirement....
Latest News / Blog Post
How to take control of your retirement
Are you affected by the increase in the Age Pension’s qualifying age? Take steps now to avoid getting caught short on retirement income. The minimum age to qualify for the Age Pension has started going up. For those born on or after 1 July 1952, the qualifying age...
Consider your retirement lifestyle needs?
Is it time to consider your retirement lifestyle needs? Considering the cost of living and your expected annual retirement income, is crucial to retirement planning. So, how do you consider your retirement needs? For the record number of Australians transitioning...
More than one super account?
Did you know there are over 12[1] million Australians with a single superannuation account? There is also $13.8[2] billion in ‘lost super’. Is some of that yours? Find it Moved house over the years? Changed jobs during your career? Don’t know where your teenage self...
5 Tips for EOFY
The end of financial year doesn’t have to be too taxing a time. These five tips will help organise your finances for the coming financial year. Take the pain out of EOFY by being organised. With the right preparation, you can make lodging your tax return a painless...
Create a great financial new year
New Year’s resolutions are easy to make but often hard to keep. But there are real benefits to making financial resolutions. Here are some helpful suggestions to get you started. Get back to basics If you find it near-impossible to reach your financial goals, you may...
A few things have changed in super
Many of the federal government’s superannuation reforms came into effect on 1 July. Here’s what’s new. The government says it has tried to make the superannuation system more sustainable and has introduced more flexibility to suit modern work patterns. This is what...
Need to Understand a little more about the Downsizing Contribution?
As you're not doubt aware, the Federal Government announced it's 2017 Budget this week and one of the surprise outcomes was the Downsizing Contribution for those looking to move out of a larger family home. Here's a little more about how that works... Downsizing...
Safeguarding your retirement plan
From wills to long-term budgeting, there’s a lot to think about when making your retirement to-do list. Here’s some tips to make sure you’ve ticked all the boxes. 1. Check your will Without a valid will, an administrator will be appointed to manage your estate,...
Government Entitlements for Retirees
The Government has legislated changes to the Age Pension rules from 1 January 2017, which it estimates will see 300,000 Australians lose all or part of their pension entitlements.1 If you are retired or about to retire, some careful planning now may put you in shape...
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