Staying the Course Heightened global markets volatility can easily trigger kneejerk reactions by panicked investors. Widespread selling, triggered by the Russia-Ukraine crisis, has been behind recent big swings on global financial markets. This includes stock...
Latest News / Blog Post
Russia Ukraine Concerns and your Finances
Worried about the impact of Russian Ukraine concerns and your finances? Please reach out directly to the Wealth Planning Partners team if you want to discuss your personal financial plan. So, a little perspective on the Ukraine and Russian situation. This...
Tenants in Common vs Joint Tenants
What is ‘Tenancy In Common' 1. "Tenancy in common" allows two or more people to be owners in a property. Each owner has the authority to will their share to anyone on death. 2. "Tenancy in common" is different as the transfer of the property in the event of death...
How do I invest my money?
So, how do you invest your money? When deciding how to go about investing those hard earned dollars, you need to decide whether you'll: do it yourself, or pay a financial advisor to do it for you Both options have their pros and cons. However, you can - of course, do...
Consider your retirement lifestyle needs?
Is it time to consider your retirement lifestyle needs? Considering the cost of living and your expected annual retirement income, is crucial to retirement planning. So, how do you consider your retirement needs? For the record number of Australians transitioning...
How to protect yourself against scams
Do you know how to protect yourself against scams? The onset of COVID has propelled social media and marketing to an all-time necessity and has resulted in increased predatory scams and virtual hacking, putting people at risk more than ever before. Here are some...
Create a great financial new year
New Year’s resolutions are easy to make but often hard to keep. But there are real benefits to making financial resolutions. Here are some helpful suggestions to get you started. Get back to basics If you find it near-impossible to reach your financial goals, you may...
Budget 2017: Housing Affordability
The Government has announced some Incentives to improve housing options. Among these, are: Allowing first-home buyers to save a deposit through voluntary contributions to superannuation Disallowing travel deductions for investment residential property Limiting...
Safeguarding your retirement plan
From wills to long-term budgeting, there’s a lot to think about when making your retirement to-do list. Here’s some tips to make sure you’ve ticked all the boxes. 1. Check your will Without a valid will, an administrator will be appointed to manage your estate,...
Government Entitlements for Retirees
The Government has legislated changes to the Age Pension rules from 1 January 2017, which it estimates will see 300,000 Australians lose all or part of their pension entitlements.1 If you are retired or about to retire, some careful planning now may put you in shape...
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