Increased Diversification can assist in lowering risk in times of market volatility. A properly constructed portfolio can protect investors in downturns in the market and help provide appropriate returns at other times. Portfolios which include diversifying assets may...
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First Home Buyers Assistance
First-home buyers get some help State and federal governments are creating new incentives to help first-home buyers get into the overheated housing market. Buying your own home is the largest purchase decision most people will make in their lives. However, a...
Significant changes to contribution limits to super could prove a challenge
The changes to super and tax laws proposed in this year’s federal budget, then revised and adjusted by the government in September, have been passed through Parliament and are mostly due to take effect from July 1, 2017. That means that you have until July to consider...
Get your finances ready for this year's changes!
With many changes coming into effect this year – and more reforms being suggested – now is a great time to get your finances organised so you’re prepared. Changes to the Age Pension Changes to the Age Pension assets test kicked in at the beginning of January 2017. The...
Government releases more superannuation legislation
On 27 September 2016 the Government released another round of draft legislation implementing a number of the changes to superannuation it announced in the 2016 Federal Budget. Many of these changes will apply from 1 July 2017 so it might be sensible to for you to...
Putting your Goals First
A goals-based investment approach isn’t focused on ‘beating the market’. It’s about tailoring your investments to meet your personal goals. Performance comparisons are unavoidable in the investment world. Every day you see investment managers measuring their success...
Making Sense of Economic Data
Economists and traders around the world closely monitor dozens of economic surveys and indicators that are released each week across a range of countries. However, the most important market indicators which can shift the needle on global market performance are: GDP...
3 Reasons to Bond with Bonds
Bonds are one of the four major assets classes, but they’re probably the least understood. Here’s why they’re an important part of many portfolios. What are bonds? Bonds are essentially loan arrangements that governments and large companies use to raise money. These...
2016 Federal Budget Analysis
Treasurer Scott Morrison has handed down his first Federal Budget - the Coalition Government’s third. The winners are low and middle income earners, unemployed youth and small business, and there are significant changes to superannuation. Note: These changes are...
The real costs of owning property
Australians have long been attracted to property as an investment. But we also tend to have a blind spot when it comes to the costs of owning it. Property holds a special place in the hearts and minds of Australians. But do we let our love for property cloud its...
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