We all have good intentions when it comes to our wealth. We want to save more, pay down debt, invest well and do better financially… and yet, most of us never meet our wealth or financial goals.
Other things easily get in the way of our resolutions and we get to another January 1st and give it our best shot for a couple of weeks before petering out yet again.
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to find someone to be accountable to. Who is a friend, colleague, family member or professional who is not going to let you give up, who will check up on you, get you to raise your standards and meet those goals you’ve decided you want to achieve?
People who get their goals, quite often set up consequences for themselves, should they not achieve what they set out to do.
As an example, if you don’t pay $1000 of the credit card by a certain date, tell a friend you will donate some money to a charity and make it painful! $500 not $20. Or you’ll give up one of your favourite things for a month, or something else that’s designed to keep you in line. What’ll hurt enough to keep you motivated?
What is a goal in the area of your personal wealth that you’ve wanted to achieve for years and kept putting off?
Who is the best person that comes to mind who you can ask for help from? Send them an email or call them today! Make things start happening for you!

Latest News / Blog Post
Posted on March 14, 2016
Accountability and your finances

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