
Superannuation is likely to be your biggest financial asset outside of the family home and one of the most tax effective ways of investing to accumulate wealth. Super is designed to help us fund our retirement and it is vital that you maximise the value for your superannuation dollar throughout your working life. Likely, every employer you’ve ever had has set aside super for you into an account.

We provide information and analysis on personal, retail, industry and corporate superannuation as well as Self-Managed Superannuation Funds. We assist you to undertake a risk profile that works out what style of investor you are and where your funds are best invested, so that you can rest easy, knowing that you’re growing your nest egg for the long term. We are also able to compare fees to ensure you’re getting a good deal, locate lost funds and work out whether consolidating what you have is the brightest idea.

We consider your needs and work with you to develop a superannuation strategy which will assist you in achieving your financial objectives and make retirement that little bit easier.

Superannuation Insights


Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF)

Insurance and your SMSF

Corporate vs individual trustee

Investing in Property

What you can and can’t invest in

SMSF jargon Buster!

Self-managed super funds (SMSFs) have become extremely popular in Australia, with more than half a million SMSFs  now in existence, and they’re still growing.*

You probably already know that superannuation terminology can be convoluted at times; SMSFs are no different.
Here are some terms you may come across if you decide to  join the million people already operating as SMSF trustees.
Of course your adviser can also assist if you happen to run into a wall of jargon!

SMSF Jargon Buster – Download PDF

Superannuation Insight 1:
Don’t Bequeath your super to the ATO

Superannuation Insight 2:
Indstury Super vs Retail Super

Superannuation Insight 3:

Super is a political football

Super Insight 4:

Supersize your Super

Super Insight 5:

Too much cover

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P.O Box 3592, Burleigh Town, QLD, 4220

Contact Us

Phone:  07 5593 0855

Office Hours:

9am - 5pm Monday to Thursday
9am - 12pm Friday
(Other appointment times by request)


WPP Licensee Services Pty Ltd
P.O Box 3592, Burleigh Town, QLD, 4220
Robina, QLD, 4226

AFSL No. 530393
ABN# 76 649 079 998

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